High-Accuracy Powder diffraction

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At Proto, we make scientific advancement possible by bringing you highly accurate and precise x-ray diffractometers. You work hard to achieve your results, so we work hard to provide you with the best equipment on the market. Our highly configurable powder diffraction systems include benchtop units, compact floor units, and full-sized laboratory units.
The compact AXRD® Benchtop system is full-featured yet highly cost effective. The AXRD Theta-Theta system provides a unique solution for high-temperature diffraction, with temperature stages from -190 to 2000ºC, in the convenience of a compact footprint. The powerful AXRD LPD laboratory system can be customized with x-ray optics to best suit your powder experiment needs.
The AXRD LPD-HR is our popular LPD system with upgraded optics to enable the characterization of thin films and single-crystal materials. Finally, the AXRD LPD-HT is the ideal solution for rapid screening and in-situ characterization of multifunctional molecular materials.
Whether you need to determine the composition of raw materials or characterize your products, you can count on our versatile powder diffractometers to provide accurate results.