Residual stress Measurement

LXRD measuring partResidual stress brochure cover - new

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The Most Accurate, Reliable, and Modular XRD Residual Stress Measurement Systems in the World

With a dedicated team of residual stress measurement technicians and experts, Proto® supplies instruments to universities, laboratories, and manufacturers in numerous sectors around the world. Our patented technology and advanced software keep us at the forefront of the residual stress industry, allowing us to provide customers with efficient, customizable systems to optimize their measurements.

Choose from our high-speed LXRD Laboratory residual stress measurement systems, flexible iXRD Portable systems, lightweight iXRD Mini system, innovative roboXRD system, or versatile Ultra-Portable mXRD system.

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Proven Technology

Our residual stress XRD measurement systems utilize the industry-accepted sin2ψ multiple exposure technique (MET). Time-tested and accurate, this technology is proven to be reliable and capable of handling samples with complex geometries, preferred orientation, and large grains.

residual stress technology

Accurate Results

Other techniques, such as the cos-alpha and single exposure technique (SET), may appear to be simpler and easier to use but have many limitations. Thus, large errors can propagate into the final results. Unlike these techniques, which are hindered by both material condition and constraints in data collection, the sin2ψ method ensures a full and comprehensive data set is available to correctly calculate residual stress with low measurement errors.

You measure residual stress to satisfy performance, safety, and quality requirements. You go to extensive lengths to engineer high-quality, robust components. Proto offers the highest quality and most accurate measurement technology, ensuring your engineering efforts are not wasted.

Our residual stress measurement systems are designed to provide the most accurate results available for your parts, regardless of the geometric complexity or material. In particular, safety-critical and life-limited engineered parts need an accurate assessment of their residual stress. Don't undermine your engineering with inferior measurements.

Customization Options

Our innovative options, such as residual stress mapping, state-of-the-art detectors, advanced goniometers, and modular field stands, guarantee that the right measurement tool is available for you. Additional add-on features include pole figures, retained austenite, or nitride analysis to make your system even more powerful.

LXRD measuring a coil

Lxrd measuring a COIL

ixrd turbine measurement

mxrd measuring a surface

ixrd turbine measurement

ixrd measuring a blade

ixrd turbine measurement

ixrd measuring an aerospace part

Residual Stress Software and Applications

At the core of every residual stress system is the powerful yet easy-to-use Proto XRDWIN® 2.0 software. Our software is a comprehensive Windows®-based data collection and stress analysis package with features such as linear and elliptical regression, Dolle-Hauk, and triaxial methods. Advanced peak fitting functions include parabolic, Gaussian, Pearson VII, Cauchy, centroid, centered centroid, and mid-chord. Graphical displays of peak intensity, breadth, FWHM, and sin2ψ plots provide informative, understandable results. Software utilities for XEC determination, principle stress, material removal, depth of penetration, retained austenite, pole figures, and single-crystal stress complete the package.

XRDWin Residual Stress Software
LXRD measuring a part


Proto’s proprietary position-sensitive scintillation detectors (PSSD) provide unsurpassed speed and stability, as well as a wide 2θ range. Unlike other x-ray detectors, they do not deteriorate with exposure to x-rays. No expensive replacements are required. The detectors can quickly be positioned between omega or modified side-inclination geometry. Two detectors are included for accurate shear stress determination. Available in standard and extended 2θ range.

advanced residual stress mapping technology

Profilometer brochure

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As the originators of residual stress mapping, Proto has long been utilizing advanced mapping technology to make residual stress measurements more efficient. The addition of the LP200 Profilometer to their instrument lineup has made generating complicated residual stress maps quicker and easier than ever.


With the LP200 Profilometer, users can obtain depth measurements of a part, allowing for the creation of residual-stress-versus-depth profiles.


The LP200 system can be used to create maps using Cartesian coordinates, which can then be inputted into Proto’s stress mapping software.

Residual Stress MappingResidual Stress Mapping
Residual Stress Mapping
X-ray tubes

Robust x-ray tubes

Our robust fine-focus metal/ceramic x-ray tubes are produced in house by Proto. Optimized for residual stress and retained austenite measurements, our x-ray tubes come in various sizes, power ratings, configurations, anodes, filament focus, and window configurations.

Residual Stress Safety

Putting your safety first

Our systems are built with both your safety and the long-term protection of your instrument in mind. All our instruments are compliant with all international safety regulations (e.g., ANSI N43.2), providing full radiation protection. Thermal and operational statuses are displayed clearly on a safety interlock panel directly linked to the flow sensor, x-ray tube, high-voltage power supply, and door interlocks. X-ray and shutter beacons conveniently notify the operator of the status of the x-ray beam.

Safety lightRadAlert

residual stress applications