Laue single-crystal orientation

Because of their unique properties, single-crystal materials often play an important role in creating novel products such as lasers and turbine blades. Single crystals are particularly interesting to examine because they contain no grain boundaries, making their electrical, physical, and thermal properties distinct from polycrystalline materials.

State-of-the-Art Systems for Laue Diffraction

At Proto®, we offer a number of single-crystal orientation solutions using the Laue technique. Choose from the Laue-COS Benchtop for quality control applications; the Laue-COS for production or R&D environments; the high-speed Laue-HT for high-throughput, 24/7 production environments, such as turbine blade casting facilities; or the Laue-HTR robotic system for automated sample handling and laser marking of single crystals.

Laue COS measuring
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Laue technology

Proto specializes in the customization of Laue single-crystal orientation systems. Whatever your specific application may be (e.g., crystal cutting, orienting, etc.), we will make sure you have the tools you need to get the best results.

Our all-digital Laue technology makes it easy to capture images of single crystals and find the information you need. With our in-house specially designed cameras, our Laue product range has been optimized to provide superior image quality and efficiency.

No matter what kind of material you need to orient, we have powerful and easy-to-use software with various options for indexing, overlays, and customization. Proto’s software packages cover both collection and in-depth analysis, including support for all crystal systems and integration with the Crystallography Open Database (COD), which contains over 450,000 single-crystal structures.

Laue HT inside close up